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0191 691 3940

Columbia Grange School

Little Steps, Big Aspirations For All

Staff List


Please note staffing is subject to change, parents will be informed of any adjustments made.

All of our staff are referred to on a first-name basis to simplify communication for our pupils.

Senior Leadership Team

John Lines- Head and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Sarah Kemp- Deputy Head and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Gavin Briggs- Assistant Head and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Pathway Leads
Amy Ramsay
Amanda Pauc
Gavin Briggs
Amanda Pauc
Amy Ramsay
Ashlee Cummings
Caroline Dickinson 
Claire Taylor
Ellie Pattison
Faye Bell
Gavin Briggs
Holly March
Ilianna Katsavria
Jennifer Gullis
Julie McCann
Louise Hewison
Louise Atkinson
Paula Fairbrother
Rebecca Atkinson
Rebecca Mulligan
Rebecca Ovington
Sam Donmall
Alison Steed
Claire Wayman
Dawne Taylor 
Laura Wilson
Paula Fairbrother
Support Staff
Allison Richardson
Amelia Taylor
Amy Waddle
Andrea Ramsay
Angela Wilde
Bethanie Chambers
Christine Savage
Claire Asling
Diane Bulmer
Donna Hewitson
Eve Vickery
Gemma Matthews
Gillian Shanks
Gina Sayers
Jenna McCann
Jennifer Marshall
Jessica Noble
Kathyrn Gourley
Karley Roberts
Kelly Moore
Leeanne Head
Linda Hutchinson
Margaret Myers
Michelle Jackson
Paige Johnson
Paula Jarvis
Sarah Moffet
Sarah Trueman
Tony Chapman
Vicky Smith 
Vicky Wightman
Admin Staff
Monica Bell
Rachael Sinclair
Lunchtime Supervisors
Sara Berry
Angela Cowe
Donna Hunt
Michelle Jackson
Gail Taylor 
Angela Cowe
Angela Findlay
Patricia Findlay
Craig Cowell
Kitchen staff
Sharon Owens
Teresa Sanchez